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OCR: ,mit Delphi 2.0 - Project1 X File Edit Search View Project Run Component Database Workgroups Tools Help Standard Additional Win95 |Data Access Data Controls Win 3.1 |Dialogs System QReport OCX Samples .... A abI OK X Object Inspector x Form1 CD-ROM Disc Form1: TForm1 Unit2.pas - O X Properties Events Unit1 Unit2 ClientHeight 273 unit Unit2; ClientWidth 434 Color clBtnFace interface CH3C True Cursor crDefault uses Enabled True Classes; +Font [TFont) FormStyle fsNormal type Height 300 TMyThread = class (TThread) HelpContext L private Hin { Private declarations } +HorzScrollBar [T ControlS crollE (None] protected Icon KeyPreview False procedure Execute; override; Left 193 end; Menu phi E Idea Name Form1 implementation ....... ....... ObjectMenulte PixelsPerInch 96 { Important: Methods and properties of objects in VCL can only be PopupMenu method called using Synchronize, for example, Position poDesigned .......... PrintScale poProportional 11: 30 Modified Insert SnapPRO! 3.0 Trace X SnapPRO! 3.0 Gallery Internet via hou Schedule Start Be Panix Internet Contr ... W Microsoft Wo ... Pad SnapPRO! 3.0 mi Delphi 2.0 2:26 PM